Kelsie Thompson

Regional Clinical Director

Questions & answers with: Kelsie Thompson

What is your favorite Action Behavior memory?

At ABC, every day brings unique challenges, opportunities for growth, and moments to celebrate both personal and team victories. For me, one of the most rewarding aspects of working at ABC is witnessing the successes of the children I work with. Seeing them thrive and accomplish their goals, no matter how big or small, is always a highlight. But it's not just about the children; it's about the growth and success of our teammates as well. Watching them advance, get promoted, and take on new challenges makes every day fulfilling.

What do you love the most about working at ABC?

What I love most about working at ABC is the constant opportunity for personal and professional growth. Each day presents a new challenge, allowing me to push myself and expand my skill set. But equally important is being able to support and mentor those around me. Helping others succeed, watching them grow, and knowing that we all lift each other up is incredibly rewarding.

Which core value represents your leadership style?

I resonate most with our core value of "Team." Our team culture is the heart of everything we do. We work together not just to provide exceptional care for the children we serve but to ensure our teammates feel supported and valued as well. At ABC, we’re more than just teammates—we’re a family. We show up for each other every day, not just to perform a job but to genuinely care for and support one another.

What is your advice for new clinicians at Action Behavior?

For new clinicians joining our family, my advice is simple: give yourself grace. This field is a journey of constant learning and growth. It’s okay not to have all the answers right away. Lean on your teammates, embrace every opportunity to learn, and trust that you're supported by a village of people who are invested in your success.

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